Erectile Dysfunction in Young Men: Causes and Treatment


Young men can have erectile problems can be caused by severe psychogenic or functional disorders, suppressing the production of testosterone or reducing the conductivity of signals about sexual arousal.

Types of erectile dysfunction

There are 3 types of erectile dysfunction:

  1. organic. It develops due to vascular disorders of the venous or arterial type, neurological disorders associated with injuries of the spinal cord and brain, nerve endings located in the pelvic area. Organic pathologies can progress due to hormonal failure, when the sex glands in the testicles do not produce enough testosterone and the man loses interest in sexual relations. An imbalance arises due to an overabundance of prolactin in the male body (excreted by brain cells) and the female sex hormone estrogen (the activity of the hormonal substance increases with excessive beer consumption);
  2. psychological. Weak potency is a consequence of negative phenomena (working conflicts, stressful situations, fear of sexual intercourse and self-doubt) or prolonged pathological changes (depression and phobia, neuroses and psychoses, obsessive-compulsive syndrome after a series of unsuccessful sexual contacts);
  3. mixed. It is a result of the complex inhibitory effect of negative factors of psychogenic and physiological nature.

Causes of erectile dysfunction in young men

Young people can note a gradual or sharp decrease in sexual attraction to the opposite sex due to:

  • psychological problems (low self-esteem, poor physical form, the result of upbringing, conflicts with partner);
  • congenital or acquired structural pathologies of the penis (angulation, cavernous fibrosis, curvature of the penis);
  • reduced production of testosterone (beer alcoholism, diabetes mellitus);
  • lesions of nerve cells, decreased sensitivity of nerves as a result of trauma, unsuccessful therapeutic manipulations or surgeries;
  • cavernous insufficiency of the penis;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid and adrenal glands, pituitary and hypothalamus, testicles;
  • vascular diseases that cause pathological discharge of blood from the inguinal region or insufficient filling of the groin;
  • inflammation of the prostate, bladder;
  • radiation therapy in the perineum;
  • smoking or chronic alcoholism.
See also  Causes of Erectile Dysfunction at Young Age


Erectile dysfunction in young men can cause the following complications:

  • infertility (impossibility of performing the sexual act or an unsatisfactory quality of a seed material);
  • a strong feeling of inferiority, severe depression and nervousness;
  • neurasthenia, exaggeration of complaints about somatic disorders;
  • overweight, diabetes mellitus.

Prevention of erectile dysfunction at a young age

If impotence is not caused by congenital organic pathologies and does not require surgical treatment, a man can improve his sexual health in the following ways:

  • changing diet, eating useful products, following the principles of balanced and fractional nutrition, controlling the caloric intake of food;
  • increase physical activity, regular exercise to stimulate intimate muscles, complete a course of massage of the prostate;
  • reducing medications that reduce potency (muscle relaxants and sedatives, antidepressants and antihistamines, anti-cancer drugs and drugs for Parkinson’s disease);
  • having a regular sex life with a constant partner, using reliable contraceptives;
  • increasing immunity, regular intake of essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals;
  • regular (at least once a year) visits to the urologist and other specialists who have a patient;
  • controlling blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol;
  • timely and adequate treatment for detection of any organic and psychogenic pathologies, including inflammatory processes in the large intestine (hemorrhoids), prostate gland (prostatitis), genitourinary organs (urethritis, cystitis);
  • a normal mode of work and rest;
  • timely resolution of conflicts with a sexual partner, visits to joint psychotherapeutic sessions.

A healthy diet for potency

There is no universal diet for increasing potency. Each man should follow an individual diet, taking into account his physiological state. This diet should include foods that contain vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, D, P and C. Zinc, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, iodine, manganese, copper are also necessary to maintain potency.

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The cardiovascular system provides all organs with blood. This is especially important for the male genitalia. Erection occurs due to filling the penis with blood. Atherosclerosis, plaques, jumps in blood pressure, heart problems disrupt the normal blood supply of the genital organs and worsen erection. All diets prescribed to prevent cardiovascular diseases also increase potency. You should eat fish, seafood, porridge, green tea or red, and tea with ginseng.

The endocrine system produces male sex hormones – testosterone. This hormone affects the sexual abilities of men. The lack of testosterone decreases potency and leads to impotence. A healthy diet improves the endocrine system, increases testosterone levels. The diet should include low-fat meat, fish, milk, kefir, cheese, beans, celery and spinach, natural yogurts.

Digestion affects potency both directly and indirectly. Quality food supplies the body with vitamins and helps to increase potency. Diseases of the digestive system depress the body and reduce potency. Diets for the prevention and treatment of digestive organs always have a beneficial effect on the male sexual function. Vegetables, fruits and natural juices, honey, nuts, berries and other natural products containing vitamins and minerals are well absorbed by the digestive system, favorably affect the body and increase potency.

Every man should choose the optimal system of nutrition. Combined with medications, a diet can improve men’s health many times.

A rational diet to increase potency should include:

  • Low-fat meat: veal, beef, lamb in stew;
  • Poultry: turkey, chicken, pheasants;
  • Fish: salmon, mackerel, flounder in any form, except roasted;
  • Seafood: shrimp, squid, mussels, oysters;
  • Eggs: quail and chicken – 3-4 pieces per week;
  • Dairy products: cottage cheese, sour cream, curdled milk, kefir;
  • Vegetables: garlic, onion, pumpkin, carrots, cabbage, turnips. But the use of potatoes should be limited;
  • Fruits: apples, mangoes, figs, avocados, dates, bananas, prunes;
  • Nuts: walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, almonds, pistachios;
  • Sunflower seeds: pumpkin and sunflower seeds;
  • Honey – instead of sugar and sweets;
  • Spices: pepper black, red and others;
  • Drinks: green tea, herbal teas and clean water without gas.
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All these foods and drinks are called “aphrodisiacs” in the name of Aphrodite, the goddess of love, since they increase potency.

Category: Erectile dysfunction

Tags: erectile dysfunction drugs, erectile dysfunction treatment, sexual health, sexual life, sexual problems