Women’s Health is a Guarantee of Beauty

Beauty and success is an objective of modern women. The numerous achievements of fashion designers, cosmeticians and plastic surgeons help women to reach this intention. Only the wisest fair sex representatives remember that a happy life is impossible without health in the genital area and its proper care and treatment.

Women’s Health is a very broad concept that includes not only the body care and appearance, but also attentive attitude of the internal organs, which guarantees an excellent state of health and unfading charm to a beautiful half of humanity.

women healthWe all experience life stages of growing up and transform from a little girl into a woman. Each stage is characterized by certain internal and external changes in the body. And in the case of a lack of knowledge about the reproductive health, a woman can lose her health and then spend many years trying to restore it and dreaming of a happy motherhood.

All over the world and all the generation of women care about the same issues relating to the normal duration of the menstrual cycle, the proper development of the mammary glands, sexually transmitted disease, and the mechanism of action of contraceptives. Answers to these questions can not always be obtained by screaning the pages of medical books. After all, every girl is unique and beautiful in her individuality, which means that a gynecologist should become her ally in building a happy and healthy future, who will give detailed answers to all the most complex issues. Visits to a gynecologist should be regular.

Health care for all women

As a rule, the first examination of a baby girl by a gynecologist happens before the school entry or no later than in 12 years old. Before the first visit, the girl’s mother needs to display particular sensitivity and find time to explain the need for such inspections to her daughter. It is worth paying attention and explaining the rules and behavior of the girl at the doctor. Examining children and teenagers, a gynecologist pays attention to the body, the degree of development of mammary glands, body hair severity of the external genitalia. Sometimes he conducts palpation of internal genital organs through the rectum. If necessary, a doctor may also take a swab from the vagina, without breaking the hymen not, causing any discomfort to the girl.

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The most important things to explain before a girl’s visit to a doctor:

  • a girl should not be afraid of a specialist;
  • a girl should not be shy to answer honestly different questions – he asks for professional purposes, not just because he is curious;
  • a girl should understand that all specialists have been trained and have extensive hands-on experience, and aim to take care of her health.

A gynecologist becomes the most important friend of a women when the baby is planned and during a pregnancy. Regular checkups during pregnancy is a necessary condition for the prevention of problems related to the child’s health and good condition of the future mother.

When a woman’s body start to develop involutional processes, reducing the synthesis of sex hormones and starting a menopause, a gynecologist must also be there and help relieve the symptoms of a menopause and individually choose the most effective methods of treatment.

When it’s necessary to visit a gynecologist?

at the doctorAfter the start of sexual activity you should visit the gynecologist and pass tests to detect latent infections regularly. You need to be especially careful changing your sexual partner. Even if you have no complaints, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist at least once a year.

It is also necessary to address to the gynecologist in the following cases:

  • painful, irregular menstruation, cycle disorders;
  • intermenstrual bleeding;
  • burning, irritation and itching of the genital organs, discharge with an unpleasant odor;
  • pain during a sexual intercourse and after it;
  • bleeding after a sexual intercourse;
  • abdominal pain, pain during urination;
  • appearance of seals in the genital area or the breast, wastes from the nipples.
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The gynecologist is needed for the individual selection of contraceptives – do not rely on the experience of friends, authors of articles, on the Internet in this case. Contraception and birthcontrol are extremely important issued that should be maintained properly. Help of your doctor is also necessary when you have severe symptoms of premenstrual syndrome when beset apathy, weakness and irritability which don’t allow you to lead a normal life.

Remember – a good specialist helps to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of PMS and return you to good health quickly. Nowadays clinics present all possibilities of modern diagnosis and treatment of gynecological diseases, including own laboratories of international level, as well as doctors who are permanent members of well-known medical symposiums, conferences and seminars.

How to prepare for the visit to the doctor?

Before visiting the gynecologist you should carry out hygiene procedures:

  • do not use vaginal suppositories, creams and tablets;
  • in some cases you need to refuce antibiotics and antivirals, as you must first consult with your doctor;
  • exclude sex 2-3 days before the visit to the gynecologist;
  • it is recommended not to urinate 1.5 hours before the visit to the doctor, if you have to pass some tests.

How to find your gynecologist?

gynecologist-examA highly qualified gynecologist, which is popular among the patients, not only has a professional degree, but is constantly training and developing in his profession, also he is a good psychologist who can speak with a woman “from the heart”. Choose a doctor who knows how to ask questions and listen to answers. If the gynecologist offers to go to the examination immediately, this specialist is not for you.

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In addition, a good doctor will always try to explain the diagnosis and prescribed therapy to the woman, leaving her a right to choose. Unambiguous decisions are rarely observed in medicine practice, there is always a choice of an alternative, more or less expensive tests and medications. A conscientious gynecologist who values his profession, never insists on the most expensive methods of treatment, if the patient can not afford them.

Do not hesitate to ask your doctor any questions that interest you, ask again if necessary and specify if something remains unclear in the diagnosis and a treatment plan. We are talking about your health, and it means that any confusion there should be excluded. Ask the doctor about possible risks or side effects of the prescribed treatment, ask for a detailed explanation of the survey results. You and your doctor should become allies and trust each other unconditionally.

Health is always easier to maintain than to repair.

Category: women's health

Tags: Beauty, female health